We’ve got inquiries sometimes, asking what type of leather we use to make our bags. Well, we only sell leather, I mean, real and original leather naturally tanned.
So, what is the difference of real leather and other types of “leather”. How can you tell the difference?
VERY SIMPLE: Dogs only chew real leather. They have better sense of smell than we human beings. Or just burn the leather. When you burn it, you will see the difference between real leather and synthetic ones.
Below are excerpts from published articles regarding the different types of leather:
“A lot of the products I feature here — especially bags and shoes — are made out of “vegan leather”. While vegan leather is an animal-friendly alternative to real leather, it can mean several different materials. Vegan leathers include:
Vegetan: This is a microfibre material that is specifically designed and used as an animal-friendly leather substitute.
Lorica: This material is made out of several different microfibers. Sidi, an Italian motorcycle company uses it a lot.
Birko-Flor: This is what eco-icon Birkenstock uses. It’s made out of acrylic and polyamide felt fibres. There are two kinds — the kind you find on normal Birks and a kind that looks like pleather.
Birkibuc: Another Birkenstock baby. It’s made out of the same stuff, but looks and feels like nubuck leather.
PVC: Finally, a term you should be familiar with! Good for animals. Not so good for environment.
Kydex: This is an acrylic-PVC alloy. It’s produce by Kleerdex, a manufacturing company.
I hoped this helped! Also, remember that being animal-friendly does not necessarily mean you are being eco-friendly. Using old and recycled leather could be better for the environment than buying a brand spankin’ new vegan-friendly bag. It just depends on where your priorities lie and what you are comfortable with!”
Reference: http://www.thegloss.com/2007/07/26/fashion/what-is-vegan-leather-anyway/
But the problem with “vegan leather” is, since it is not leather, when the user is finished with it and throws it out, it will stay in a landfill forever. At least real leather, which is a byproduct of our food chain, will completely decompose in a landfill. So much for being eco-friendly.The amount of chemicals in vegan leather far exceeds those used to make real leather and are not a byproduct of food production, but usually made from oil derivatives. Lots of potential for air, water, and land pollution.
So, except cowhide leather, other byproduct even with leather name on it, are not leather anymore. They come from chemical products.