Some bag repairs can be done at home given the right tools and instructions. Listed below are two hardware issues that can be fixed relatively easily. If you happen to have one of the issues and need to replace the hardware, please check our Craft Supply category first. In case you are unable to fix it yourself, please send your item to V. T. Bags (attn: repair) 1445 Oviedo Mall Blvd., Oviedo FL 32765 USA (via FedEx or UPS ground).
- The hook (or spring load or latch, among other names) of the hook ring (for attaching removable straps) slips out of the metal loop. This can happen when the bag is constantly filled with heavy items and the joint part between the hook and the loop is subject to continual rubbing. Over time the hook knot wears out and the hole in the metal loop becomes bigger so that the knot can slip out of the hole. There are several solutions: replace them with a new hook; replace the leather strap entirely; or rejoin them using the method described below.
push back knot back to loop use hammer lightly and slowly hit the loop area to bend First push the hook knot back in the metal loop (If it can slip out, which means it can be pushed back in). Use a hammer to lightly hit the metal loop at the hole part (shown in the right-most picture above) many times until the hole is tightened enough to hold the knot (Do not hit hard as that can break the metal). Tips: use magazine to cover the loop to prevent cosmetic damage; can use a little bit of metal epoxy glue at the joint to help bonding the metals together.
2. There is another solution, see pictures below. With a paper clip, you can simply add a metal washer to fix it.
The new installed hook for the bag, added a steel cushion between the middle which will solve this potential issue forever.
3. We’ve got customers who have carried our old model bags for years. Over the years the metal rivets can become loose and fall off. In the past, we used screw type copper made rivets on our bags. They are easy to work with. You can screw them in and out with pliers + screwdriver. Be sure to lock it tight, lest it will spin out again.The bad news is that we have replaced these screw type rivets with steel made luggage type rivets on our bags. If you have screws fallen out, or if you want to modify your bag, we carry these screw type rivets at prices as low as 25 cents. We give them for free if you order one of our bags and wallets, just put down a note in your order memo.
According to customer feedback, these can be easy DIY projects and no need to go to a repair person for help.